Best 11 CRM Software in kerala


CRM software is a powerful tool that helps businesses manage and improve their interactions with clients. As an aggregation point, CRM software helps to manage different customer-centric processes such as sales marketing and support operations without interruption. It is a virtual treasure chest of crucial customer data, such as contact information, shopping habits and likes or dislikes that can tell the story about each individual.

This detailed approach allows organisations to customise their interactions, increase customer satisfaction rates and build long-lasting relationships with customers. In addition, CRM systems usually have built-in automation capabilities that make workflows like lead nurturing, email campaigns and performance tracking more efficient. CRM software enables businesses to build customer relations comprising enhanced communication and data organisation that contribute greatly towards overall business growth.

CRM software is a vital instrument for small businesses that aim to enhance their operations and improve growth. CRM software simplifies the process of consolidating data on small business customers in a centralised platform thus allowing them better understanding of their clients preferences, purchase history and communication interactions. This organised data gives small business owners and their teams the tools to make more informed decisions while also tailoring marketing strategies and personalising customer interactions, hence boosting the level of satisfaction among customers.

Also, CRM systems help to automate a number of processes including lead management, sales tracking, and customer support so that time and resources are not wasted. With automation functions built into CRM software, small businesses are able to dedicate time and energy towards other more strategic initiatives as well as customer relationship-building endeavours. Moreover, the capability of customer analytics enables targeted marketing campaigns that allow small businesses to attract and retain customers more efficiently. Basically, a CRM software equips small businesses with tools to allow them compete more efficiently in the market by enabling implementation of customer relationship management strategies hence laying the foundation for sustained success.

Given the critical role of CRM software in optimising business operations , it’s natural to seek out the top CRM software providers in Kerala.  In the contemporary technological landscape, numerous exceptional CRM solutions abound. Exploring these options becomes crucial for businesses looking to leverage the efficiency and benefits offered by modern CRM systems. Unveiling the diverse array of these software solutions in the current scenario promises valuable insights into the innovative offerings that can significantly enhance business processes.

So now, realising all the importance and efficiency of CRM software to deal with clients virtually , aren’t we curious to know about the best CRM software providers in Kerala ? There are a lot of amazing crm softwares in the modern technical era prevailing in the current scenario. Let’s explore them in a more elaborative way.

Enumerating The Best 11 CRM Software In Kerala

Finding out the best CRM software for small business in Kerala entails researching a detailed list of eleven leading providers. This compilation reflects the best CRM options that are specifically designed to be optimal for the particular needs of small companies in Kerala. By examining this list, corporations will gain insight into the many different choices for CRM software, each of which has particular characteristics and features that can strengthen and simplify their operations.

Kerala’s leading CRM software solution for small business enterprises

Best 11 CRM Software in kerala

ZONAR stands out as the top CRM software provider for small firms in Kerala , providing business with some of the best and most advanced capabilities in managing their clients through smooth integration of state-of-the art applications that promote increased efficiencies and improved levels of customer satisfaction. ZONAR with an approachable interface, strong analytics and commitment to being the fore- front runner in innovation is identified as a preferred CRM for organisations that intend on improving their resource management system.

ZONAR contributes to small business in Kerala in 3 influential ways :

Unify – by having everything the small businesses  needs in one place,

Simplify– through streamlined processes and cost-effective scalability, and

Scale – as the small  business grows, the software grows with them.

One of the significant advantages that ZONAR takes over other softwares being designated as the best CRM software for small business in kerala  is its convenience in use because it operates an all-in one system whereby necessary and appropriate information regarding customers interaction with their executives future, monitoring and controlling.

ZONAR is a strategic tool that brings unity , efficiency ,scalability, and affordability to your small scale business. It empowers the small business in Kerala to compete effectively , adapt to changing market conditions , and maximise the extreme growth potential of small business.

How Zonar Emerged As The First And Foremost CRM Software For Small Business In Kerala

ZONAR became the leading CRM software for small business in Kerala through its unique features that differentiate it from other existing CRM softwares . ZONAR CRM software provides comprehensive customer profiles including their contact information and communication history.  It indeed enables you to track leads and opportunities throughout the sales cycle, from initial contact to closing deals . In addition ZONAR CRM allows for team collaboration by sharing customer data and interactions. It helps the small business in Kerala to  integrate with other tools and software for seamless data flow.

Lets see more about the unique characteristic features of ZONAR as the best CRM software in Kerala

1.ZONAR as an all in one solution.

Zonar ERP is the one-stop shop for business success. This is done for SMEs that require highly sophisticated tools to simplify their activities. Try to picture having all your critical business modules, like CRM, HRM. Project Management and Finance are well integrated into just one single panel. Zonar ERP emerged in order to compensate for the difficulties that Small Enterprises encounter. The cost of developing a custom ERP solution can be very expensive and could end in underperformance. Zonar ERP helps the small business not to have such a situation. The business  can start from any module you need at this moment for a price that is just the fraction of what elsewhere would cost. It covers everything from CRM,HRM,Project management and obviously  finance.

The beauty of Zonar is that small businesses in Kerala have the flexibility to start with the specific modules you need right now. As the  business grows, they may be able to effortlessly integrate additional modules. In the end, it becomes an  all-in-one ERP software solution, adapting perfectly to your evolving small scale  business needs. Zonar fuses your core business modules into one comprehensive, effortless platform. This includes no longer struggling with several software program solutions or intricate combinations. It simplifies your workflow, allowing you to save both time and money.

2.ZONAR gives the customer an alternative option of quotation creation from CRM software.

The principle behind quotations is that it involves documents or records which either gives details regarding a proposed sale or transaction. With regard to CRM software, the quotations feature helps businesses create, manage and trace such documentary proposals in a timely manner. It aids sales teams in the process of producing quotations, making sure that it is done rightly with no errors; consultancy and prompt delivery to customers. This feature facilitates communication, negotiation and sales closing in the main CRM software system platform where it is effective to the total process of selling.

3. Generation of sales invoice

Once it is converted into a customer, you can then raise the sales invoice. it can be sent to a consumer welding product & Service he or she has bought and their price, any sales tax due amount payable total along with final payment date are some of them. final account and, correspondingly , sales invoice for the client are prepared using such cost records. Sales invoice is an effective platform in accounting and formalising trade between a company or business community, and its customers. This functionality not only supports correctly implementing best CRM Soft, but it becomes a part of an effective customer communication strategy as the business can offer detailed and professional invoices timely introducing trustful transparency relations with clients.

4.Building a sales pipeline on your company’s standards of the industry

However, through this best-of-breed product i.e CRM software such products will enable one to create and maintain a sales pipeline based on standard industry reporting practice . It provides a structured process for sales teams regarding how they can manage and track their relationships with prospective customers. Sales pipelines always contain processes related to different stages of the sales cycle, such as lead gen; prequalification process, quote preparation and offer negotiation individually concluded. Also business gets acquainted with overall performance regarding particular steps through taking sample from whole processes segments so that they can forecast revenues in future and have quantitative decisions making.

5.Efficient lead capture and management

Lead capturing and managing is another specialty of the ZONAR. Effortlessly combine leads from different sources into a single point. However, the best crm software ZONAR can give your power to generate lead information capture and nurture as well an opportunity for you to never lose a deal.

In ZONAR CRM solution business may be able to enter manually including all the master data of lead with Estimated values, Lead category , the required or interested product , stage and priority and all the relevant details.

Lead qualification involved in the ZONAR solution helps to assign the sales managers of the company to assign the lead to the respective sales executive as per the interest of the customer or not and helps to enter and check for all the further communication and qualify the lead by adding the transactional data updating the master data.

Next comes the lead nurturing stage in which post lead qualification , the business can keep in touch with them and provide them with information that is relevant to their needs by adding follow ups and sending the quotation which is created by the accountant. Thereby ZONAR leads to the efficiency and reliability in seamless lead capturing and management.

6.Bulk lead assignment

The mass lead assignment refers to transferring a gigantic quantity of leads or potential clients fast and at once towards one specific person, department. This is commonly done on CRM systems or in sales automation software. Bulk lead assignment provides mass distribution of leads in quantities, unlike the manual approach where one lead is assigned at a time. It simplifies the flow of work, speeds up things and makes sure that leads are distributed between salesmen or teams in a more systematic way. It is especially useful in environments with an abundance of leads and the need to assign them accordingly for further tracking by sales agents.

7.A well organised after sales services

The goal of ZONAR CRM software workflow is not only to close sales.  Once a customer has been closed CRM software helps to provide efficient after sales services . So it is considered to be an ongoing software solution for small  businesses in Kerala. Once the lead has been converted to a customer you can do after sales call which means you can ask them the feedback of the product purchased and rate it as well and correct any errors and adopt follow up measures if required.

8.Product mapping

Product mapping of ZONAR actually means the process of matching and linking products to customer records in a system known as Customer relationship management. It means to create a systematic relationship between products offered by an organisation and the client’s information, thus enabling tracking of customer relations with different offers.

It makes work easier for businesses to map out product preferences, purchase histories and customer behaviours so that they are able to set their sales and marketing plans in this order. Firstly, product mapping by CRM can improve the customer preferences understanding significantly better; the organisations will acquire greater control over their recommendations of products and thereby lead to a much higher level of engagement due to sellers’ marketing activities.


While other options can drain your resources, Zonar offers cost-effective scalability. You pay only for what you need, and you can grow your usage as your business expands. It is so quick and easy to implement.  Cost effectiveness and scalability is an important feature of ZONAR which stands apart from other softwares for small businesses in Kerala.

10.Ease of Use

Unlike some other CRM software that requires a steep learning curve, Zonar’s user-friendly interface ensures your team can adapt quickly without the need for extensive training. As it is an all in one solution once it is installed its post management is made so convenient to both the customer and the business itself.

ZONAR, the ultimate and the finest CRM software, emerges as the superior CRM software, distinguished by its outstanding and unique features that differentiate it in the competitive market. Through seamless integration of advanced technology, ZONAR provides small businesses  in Kerala to lead with a comprehensive solution for managing customer relationships. Its user-friendly interface, strong analytical capabilities, and unwavering commitment to innovation position ZONAR as the favoured option, enabling organisations to enhance their CRM experience, optimise operations, and stay at the forefront of a dynamic business landscape. With ZONAR, businesses can confidently navigate the intricacies of customer interactions, ensuring a personalised and efficient approach that ultimately leads to sustained success and heightened customer satisfaction. Thus ZONAR is entitled to be the best CRM software that provides unique features in customer relationship and management.

ZONAR’s determination towards making the  finest CRM experience easy and complete is reflected in its capacity to easily develop as per the different needs of various small businesses across industries. Finally, the software’s efficiency is further highlighted by its intuitive interface giving users an easy navigation through complicated operations that ultimately lead to a much more efficient and productive business environment.

ZONAR by far outshines as the leading CRM software for small businesses in Kerala that effortlessly weaves together a plethora of inbuilt functionalities making it quite distinguishable in customer relationship management. Its unmatched efficiency and superior performance make it the ideal solution for businesses looking to achieve unprecedented success. ZONAR’s comprehensive functionalities, ranging from an intuitive interface to strong analytics and groundbreaking tools not only simplifies operations but allows small business organisations in Kerala the ability to build long-standing meaningful relationships with customers. This omnibus approach provides not only a higher degree of customer satisfaction but also drives  small businesses towards unprecedented efficiency and purposeful development .

Astral REM generates the information related to Project Inventory booked, available flats. It offers a complete encompassing approach from project definition, property reservation, payment collection and documentation. On a real time basis, the Site Manager is able to check upcoming payments; total customer based history can be derived from this. Management dashboard offers aggregate overall indicators of the entire project with respect to payment as well as booking and sales performance.

Such is the goal of Astral as an IT company, to ensure that IT only does just enough work for our clients and enables them to attain business goals using intelligent technology solutions. The company that is providing the services, they offer a wide array of technology solutions and IT solutions whose presence in our clients has helped to strengthen and enhance their business operations. But Astral continues to increase its client’s expectations in terms of their customer service by innovation and common sense. Our IT company consists of intelligent, experienced IT consultants and staff who enjoy providing high quality, effective IT solutions to their clients as we want our aim is for the simple idea that IT Just Works.

Astral ERP is dedicated to sustaining and developing experience and certification within our professional group. The company has an infrastructure and management programs that it develops from a thorough knowledge of its customer’s business operations. They actually offer assurance with their solutions and give recommendations. Astrals target audience is represented by mid-sized companies already grounded in the market and aiming to shift into the subsequent phase of their business or stabilise it through enhancement.


  1. Simplification of existing processes
  2. Automation of manual processes
  3. Introduction of Technology to processes
  4. Custom business solutions
  5. Convenience
  6. Integrated Information
  7. Reporting
  8. Customer Service
  9. Security

It is a cost-effective, stable, flexible, low-cost and user-friendly platform that compliments the high degree of agility required for any form of business. OneHash CRM uses the latest technology combined with an attractive design built on Python, Javascript, MariaDB and Redis along with a combination of one or two FOSS frameworks. Its potential users are startups Assess customer data of an organisation for smoothing out the sales process and scrutinising opportunity and lead generating funnel. Include measuring the campaign effectiveness of current related campaigns, performance of ongoing campaigns, profitability of current deals, and forecast future opportunity-generating models.


  1. Zero Lead Leakage
  2. Monitor Sales Target
  3. Interactive Dashboards
  4. Sales Forecast
  5. Insightful Leaderboards
  6. Management of Global Business
  7. Coherent Management of Sales
  8. Analyse your Sales Funnel and Pipeline
  9. Opportunity by Campaign
  10. Track Campaigns
  11. Customer Segmentation
  12. Customer Churns Analytics

With smart automation tools, it  allows your team to devote less time on mundane tasks and more energy into the significant ones. The Idea is to automate the process of converting client status, generating prompt emails for query resolution, while staying in touch with customers via flowy drip campaigns through newsletter and scheduled automated posts for Twitter and LinkedIn. OneHash CRM’s system configuration is easy and has features that allow configuring various views, connect information, test changes to the system, and even choose a language or currency per need with custom fields, buttons, and layout. It also facilitates integration of data from various platforms, as well as enabling profile configuration based on user preference.

Hubspot has made a name in the CRM market, as it offers features required by sales and marketing. It’s used to manage leads and customers so they can save time and efforts of their sales team. It is a top growth platform with a number of users from different countries across the world. From Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, there is a powerful free CRM added to all of these without exclusion which gives companies the necessary means for optimising performance.

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  1. Measure the ROI of each ad campaign.
  2. Target a valuable audience for your business.
  3. Accurately report advertising ROI.
  4. Use automated lead follow-up to train audiences.

Leadforce CRM is client relationship management software designed to help companies manipulate their interactions with clients and potential  clients. It affords equipment to music leads, manage sales pipelines, automate marketing campaigns, and analyse purchaser facts to improve income and customer retention The software is cloud-based and you can use the Internet  everywhere. It also affords integration with different collaboration gear consisting of e-mail, calendars and social media systems to streamline and it enhances productivity.. Leadforce CRM aims to assist corporations optimise their income and advertising and marketing efforts and ultimately boom their revenue.Leadforce CRM is a cloud-primarily based patron dating control software program that provides a variety of gear and functions to assist organisations offer they’ve managed their interactions with clients and  prospects. The software enables corporations to song and manipulate their sales system from lead technology to deal closure, and automate advertising campaigns to nurture leads and engage with customer  communication

Leadforce CRM offers user-pleasant interfaces and makes it easy for users to get right of entry to their client information, contact information and make contact with history in one relevant place The software gives a number of alternatives to make adjustments for to assist corporations tailor the device to their specific desires and enterprise plans.

Key features of Leadforce CRM encompass lead and speak to management, income pipeline tracking, automatic advertising and marketing campaigns, business pastime management, reporting and analytics, and different enterprise equipment which includes email, calendar and social media structures Integration and are The software is out there anywhere thru net connectivity and gives mobile apps for iOS and Android gadgets.

All in all, Leadforce CRM aims to help businesses improve their sales and marketing processes, streamline workflows, and ultimately grow their revenue by providing a comprehensive customer relationship management solution.


  1. Improve sales team collaboration and communication.
  2. Helps in prioritising deals that are more likely to convert.
  3. Helps manage and maintain strong sales pipelines.
  4. Helps in maintaining consistent and contextual messaging.
  5. Helps create accurate sales forecasts.

Leadforce is your one-prevent approach to control income and funnel your sales and advertising tactics result easily. The software permits you to keep music of daily and monthly goals inside a schedule, making it less complicated to acquire them with proper method and utilisation. With this software program, you could onboard your remote workforce and as it should be song their progress.              

Freshsales is the  leading CRM software of 2024.Freshsales enables a context-driven sales process that will immediately help you sell more and grow your revenue faster. It is a lead-to-order management solution that streamlines your sales processes from the generation of leads to deal and post purchase customer engagement. For small businesses, such as Freshsales, there is a wide variety of features including visual sales pipeline automatic workflows and sales sequences built-in mail phone, etc.


  1. Automated workflow.
  2. AI-powered contact scoring.
  3. Predictive deal insights.

Winds CRM is a cloud-based CRM software program that facilitates you manage your eCommerce sports seamlessly included in your business  technique. You can create your eCommerce portal on a  pinnacle of WINDSCRM, thereby helping you to manipulate your entire e-commerce operation starting together with your product management, product costing, offers, orders, invoicing, transport, despatch, clients, and so  forth. Any Ecommerce procedure starts with order taking, and without proper management of the order taking process, your Ecommerce operation may additionally get  messed up. WINDS CRM is easy to apply and will alert you to such orders and help you take movement on the ones orders, increasing conversion and  profitability.


  1. Marketing  Automation.
  2. Project Management.
  3. Lead Scoring.
  4. Customer Support.
  5. List Management.

Pipedrive is basically a CRM focused on sales . It has a unique behaviour of simple design that prioritises usability above all else.  Pipedrive is designed to help small agencies develop. For about  ten years, we’ve been committed to building a quality CRM – a CRM with the aid of and for salespeople. The result will be a smooth-to-use, effective sales device that centralises your records, supporting you in visualising your whole sales procedure and winning greater offers.


  1. Lead and deal management.
  2. Contact management.
  3. AI sales assistant.

Pipedrive is considered  the first CRM platform developed from the salesperson’s point of view. It is inspired by proven methods of experienced salespeople, Pipedrive engineers designed a platform that assists salespeople and teams focus on learning and repeating their most effective process to close deals. By bringing tools together and data, the platform focuses sales professionals on fundamentals to move along deals through their pipelines. Pipedrive assists you to provide management and sales teams with more timely, detailed, and accurate sales reporting and revenue projections. The major  goal at Pipedrive is to make sales success inevitable – for individual salespeople to large and small organisations.

ZOHO CRM is considered as one  of the best CRM software for small business in Kerala now. Customised CRM software aimed at supporting small businesses, start-ups and teams. ZOHO  helps small businesses unify all customer-facing operations: Marketing, sales, onboarding processes; delivery process, support services and sustaining customer relationships.


  1. Industry templates.
  2. Pipeline management.
  3. Automation.

Making an investment into a Sales CRM can be a make or break for your sales. Hence it is crucial for businesses to have a Sales CRM evaluation method (or CRM metrics) in place. The prime concern of a Sales CRM system is to improve relationships with customers and generate higher revenue. Therefore, it is necessary to identify if a prospective Sales CRM is intended to track the efficiency of your sales and marketing teams, or to build a stronger relationship with your customers. while being able to adapt to the specific requirements your small  organisation might have. Getting answers to questions like these will help determine your approach when acquiring a new Sales CRM. Zoho CRM helps us bring our organisation together–pieces fragmented across emails, notebooks and different applications are now centralised. Zoho CRM is a game changer for us and for Kerala  businesses of the digital era.

ConvergeHub is an organisation-grade CRM, with Sales, Marketing, Support and Billing, for managing all client related activities from an unified  platform. It is a excessive-horsepower commercial enterprise-increase platform built for small and mid-size groups.

You can use ConvergeHub to perform all consumer related sports through every level of the consumer lifecycle. Use it to attract leads, send campaigns, nurture prospects, close income, answer guide tickets, generate contracts, keep files, manage services or products, ship quotations, create invoices, and more. ConvergeHub’s powerful customization and automation features permit you to configure and automate your very own business methods and skyrocket productivity.

ConvergeHub is an all-in-one CRM platform for sales, advertising, support, and billing to develop your enterprise.

ConvergeHub’s 360-diploma prospect and purchaser view gives you in-intensity actionable insights, lets in you to maintain track of all touchpoints through hobby records, and lets you plan upcoming conversations with possibilities and clients thru any channel – email, phone, text, fax or social. Comments, notes, tags, responsibilities, appointments, calendars, reminders, notifications come collectively to preserve you linked and up to date.

ConvergeHub integrates with different software via many native integrations together with QuickBooks, DocuSign, PandaDoc, Ringcentral, Twilio, Office365, Box, Dropbox, WordPress, and many others. And also through Zapier, Piesync, APIs and Webhooks.

CRM CREATIO is anOne platform to automate end-to-give up customer adventure without a-code and a maximum degree of freedomAutomate income strategies of any type and not using a-code and most degree of freedom


  1. Unified CRM.
  2. 360-diploma customer view.
  3. Unlimited no code customization.
  4. End to end workflow automation.
  5. Real Time analytics and reporting.
  6. Maximise move team collaboration.

Even though we have a diverse CRM software solutions for small business in Kerala still ZONAR CRM SOFTWARE outshines as the pre - eminent CRM software in the rapidly changing technological era. DO YOU-KNOW- WHY ?

ZONAR is far superior to the leading CRM software, effortlessly bringing together a multitude of built-in features that make it stand out in customer relationship management. Its unmatched efficiency and superior performance make it the ideal solution for businesses looking to achieve unprecedented success. From an intuitive interface to powerful analytics and breakthrough tools, ZONAR’s comprehensive features not only simplify operations, but enable organisations to build long-term meaningful relationships with customers. This omnibus approach not only ensures a higher level of customer satisfaction, but also drives businesses to unprecedented efficiency and purposeful development. ZONAR’s commitment to facilitating and assembling the best CRM is reflected in its ability to easily evolve to meet the diverse needs of different businesses across industries. Finally, the efficiency of the software is further highlighted by its intuitive interface that allows users to easily navigate through complicated operations that ultimately lead to a much more efficient and productive business environment. ZONAR lets the small business avoid the hindrances of developing custom ERP solutions which can be out of the pocket  and time- consuming that may lead to unsatisfactory results. You can start with any module you need right now , at a fraction of cost you pay elsewhere that will lead to the  cost reduction and overall profit maximisation of small scale business enterprises. 


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